Support Us
Support Us
Each volume of The Year After is free to access online, and we pay our writers semi-professional rates (as per Duotrope’s definition). In order to sustain this publication and support the writers you love, please consider helping out. Everything counts, and your donation can be as large or small as you want. There are a few ways you can assist, but remember that spreading the word about the magazine is always one of the most important things you can do.
Becoming a Patron
The best way you can help support The Year After is by giving a set monthly donation via Patreon. Check out the benefits you’ll receive when you subscribe at different tiers!
You can also donate a fixed monthly amount through PayPal, however, you don’t get all the fun benefits that come with the different tiers in Patreon. Please use the buttons below if you’re interested in subscribing via PayPal.
One-Time Donation
If you would rather give a one-time donation of any amount, you can use PayPal to do so. Please use the button below to donate one of the preset amounts, or you can choose your own amount if you prefer.
Spread the Word
Remember that sharing our magazine with people you know, liking us on social media, and sharing links to the stories and articles is one of the best ways to support the magazine. Please feel free to feature links to this site or its contents on your personal blogs, websites, and other social media accounts.
We also offer a comments section at the bottom of each story or article. If you have something to say in response to the writing, please say it! Community and conversation helps support the magazine as well. Thank you for your support!
Patrons List
Patrons of TYA
$2 monthly donation OR up $25 of cumulative donations
Patrice Wilson
Thomas Williams
Hendrik Bruce
Distinguished Patrons of TYA
$3 monthly donation OR between $25–$50 of cumulative donations
Carrie Sanzler
Subscribing Patrons of TYA
$5 monthly donation OR between $50–$100 of cumulative donations
Joie Murphy
Wendy Westmoreland
Fanatical Patrons of TYA
$10 monthly donation OR between $100–$300 of cumulative donations
Denise Welsh
Royal Patrons of TYA
$15+ monthly donation OR more than $300 of cumulative donations